First Test with new Drafts and Shortcuts Automations

…Let’s See if This Works! I just spent the last day putting together some Drafts actions and iOS Shortcuts. This is just a short test to see if the process works. Then I will document it all. Image test:

May 31, 2019 · 1 min · Dan C Williams


…how I have been missing this app?! This will be short. Months ago someone recommended the Drafts app to me so I installed it. They had told me how awesome it would be and how helpful it would be with my growing use of OmniFocus. Well, not so much…until now! I recently picked up an iPad Pro for work and have been using it a ton. I was watching some random YouTube videos on various tools for the iPad and stumbled upon a video playlist around Drafts 5....

February 4, 2019 · 1 min · Dan C Williams

Forwarding E-Mails

…Or Learning to Show Others You Appreciate Their Time… I often find myself receiving forwarded e-mails with little to no context or prior conversation. This baffles me. How could someone feel ok forwarding me an e-mail chain of twenty or so messages and the only notes from the sender is their automated signature block? I immediately trash these… Then comes the inevitable drive-by, “Hey, did you get that e-mail I forwarded you?...

January 10, 2019 · 3 min · Dan C Williams

Using Actionable Notifications in Home Assistant - Legacy

This post uses legacy configuration. I have updated this here In this post I will cover how I use actionable notifications within Home Assistant. Using push notifications with the Home Assistant iOS App you can setup some really cool triggers within the system. Below is a list of the technology used at the time of writing: Home Assistant - Version 0.60.1 Apple iPhone X and iPhone 7 Apple iOS 11.2.2 I have two actionable notifications that get used most often:...

January 11, 2018 · 4 min · Dan C Williams

SecureCRT Auto Logging How-To

This is a quick post to document the process I use to auto-log SecureCRT sessions. I like to automatically log all sessions that I open, just so I have a record of all my keystrokes. It also helps when doing discovery operations so that I do not have to repeat logins to collect information that I may not have felt was important previously. This post will lay out how to setup aut logging for all sessions globally....

January 10, 2018 · 1 min · Dan C Williams